Friday, May 14, 2010

Buenos Tardes!!

We can´t believe that it is already Friday here in Peru. We are all growing attached to the towns of Aploa and Huancarqui here in the valley of the mountains. We can already tell that for some of us, if not all by the end of the trip, it´s going to be difficult if not impossible to leave. God is leaving a great love for this special place within Peru in all of our hearts. If you want some funny stories, be sure to ask any one of the team members, when they get back, about which Spanish words that have mistaken.

Praise God for your prayers becuase last night we saw God at work in the square of Huancarqui (I figured out how to spell that). We were able to share songs with them in both Spanish and English. Actually, they preferred to hear us sing in English, imagine that. Praise God for their talents! We had some great oppurtunities to fellowship and share with those who made it out to the square. We got invited to bakery´s, houses and even an oppurtunity to sing in the Catholic church on Saturday night. Seeing how God worked last night,everyone on our team got to meet with someone this morning that they met with last night. Hearing back from some of the team early this afternoon, its clearly evident that we have begun to see God work. A blessing and privelage that we get to be a part of it. I will make and effort to work on getting some of the "personal" testimonies and experiences that the team is sharing up here over the next few days.

Over the next week, we will be very busy contuining to build and develop relationships. We all are beginning to realize that some of the best memories we will have here are not going to come from hiking, rafting down a river, playing ninja at night in the lodge (ok so yeah we do manage to find some time for fun) but from the relationships that we build with the shopowners, school teachers, mayors and expecially our lodge owner Julio. I wish you could all be here with us in Aplao, Peru to see what the meaning, "the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few" looks like in all perspective and reality.

We are looking forward to our contuined work here in Aplao. Tonight we will be back in the plaze here in Aplao sharing some more music, drama and skits. Some of our team will be meeting with the kindergarten teacher this afternoon. We are also excited about joining and equipping one of the local Bible studies tomorrow night. They meet regurlarly but have little to no structure or knowledge. We are hopeful to help them anyway we can. For those with musical talents, they are waiting with anticipation for singing Saturday night at the Catholic church.

We are overwhelmed by how God has been faithful to provide and give us oppurtunites. Pray that we contuine to be overwhelmed by every encounter we have with God. Pray that from these encounters, we all become thirsty for more of God. We pray against the enemy that we will never think, "I have gotten enough of God." The God we serve is infinite and His blesssings, faithfulness, sovereingthy and grace will never be depleted or run dry. We must contuine to surrender fully to the Spirit (John 16:4). Please also pray for our leader, Dan who has asked for safety and protection as he has been given the oppurtunity to drive one of Julio´s combies around Aplao. This is a huge help in the transportation of our team.

The power of your prayers working together is overwhelming! I don´t think I can stress it enough and I will continue to repeat it everyday becuase of how vital it is. May the Lord continue to meet all of your needs in the same fashion that He is meeting ours.

From all on the team--
"We love and miss you!! God Bless!"


  1. wait......dan isn't writing this?? jk. love you all and am praying for you. I am so blessed to be a part of your trip through this blog!

  2. Para todos ustedes: La Paz y la Bendicion del Padre, el Hijo y el Espiritu Santo sea con, atravez y en ustedes de una manera sobrenatural. Estamos orando para que la gloria de Dios sea derramada abundantemente en todos lugares.

    Love U all :) Love u Alnardo mami!!!

  3. WoW! I can't even image how much God is working there! I really wish I could be there with you all! I am definitely praying for everyone and for God to keep on working in people's lives! Keep on IMpacting! Only by His grace do we serve Him! Love you all and stay safe!! Cant wait to hear all the crazy stories!
    Yours truly!
